Floral Storefront Contest in Downtown Sarasota Grand Prize is a trip to Italy!
Celebrating Sarasota’s vibrant community spirit and artistic flair—where every storefront becomes a canvas, and every participant a part of history!
Downtown Sarasota, FL — The Sarasota International Chalk Festival is thrilled to announce the inaugural Floral Storefront Contest, a vibrant celebration that will transform downtown Sarasota into a blooming masterpiece from November 4 to 11. This unique contest, held in conjunction with the festival’s world-renowned ephemeral art event, offers an exciting opportunity for local storefronts to showcase their creativity and community spirit, with an incredible grand prize on the line.
Why Participate?
The excitement is through the roof, and so are the rewards! The fist place winner, thanks to a sponsoring partner, will receive an unforgettable grand prize: a round trip ticket from Sarasota to Rome, and a four-night stay in Genzano di Roma, Italy, to witness and partake in the illustrious 248th Genzano di Roma Infiorata. The prize also includes a visit to the Pope’s summer home, adding a once-in-a-lifetime cultural experience to the itinerary. Second, third, and fourth place winners will also receive attractive prizes, ensuring multiple chances to win.
All participants in the contest will gain significant exposure and recognition:
- Featured in the festival booklet, 20,000 distribution
- Shared across the Sarasota International Chalk Festival’s platforms
- Two VIP passes, offering a chance to meet the talented artists
- Included in press fanfare
Signup online, its FREE and fun! Click HERE.
Why are we doing this?
A Historic Moment for Sarasota
For the first time ever, delegations of Flower Art Maestros from around the world are coming to the U.S. to perform, and it's all happening right here in Sarasota. Marking a truly historic moment for this captivating art form, known as ‘Flower Carpets’ across the globe, these breathtaking creations have been practiced with devotion for centuries in Europe and for millennia in vibrant traditions across India. This is a one-in-a-lifetime-event at the Sarasota International Chalk Festival, November 8 - 10.
A Community Celebration
Excitement is in the air as sponsors, artists, and supporters are already gearing up to make this event an unforgettable experience! Brooklyn Boutique, Nail Addict, and Figgy's, located on S. Pineapple Avenue, jumped in on day one. Heather Welch with UnWind Massage & Wellness on S. Orange Ave. is committed to joining the festivities, saying, “We’re excited to be part of this incredible celebration and to help showcase Sarasota’s warm hospitality. Let’s create the grand welcome these artists truly deserve!” Artists who have showcased their talent in the Chalk Festival's Avenue of Art and those from Creative Liberties Artist Studios & Gallery are buzzing with enthusiasm, eager to decorate windows and bring a vibrant, artistic floral flair to the downtown community.
How to Participate
To enter, businesses must be located in the downtown Sarasota vicinity with a storefront visible to the public. Create a flower-themed display outside your storefront or in the storefront window. Businesses may decorate their windows themselves or collaborate with an artist to create their displays in any materials they want to use. Displays must be set up from November 4 to 11, and a Chalk Festival sticker with your assigned number for judges must be prominently displayed.
On or before November 5 by 5 PM, participating stores need to post a photo of their flower display to social media with the caption on why you are participating and tag the Chalk Festival: “For the first time ever, delegations of Flower Art Maestros from around the world are coming to the U.S. to perform! This breathtaking art form, known as ‘Flower Carpets,’ has been practiced with devotion for centuries in Europe, and millennia in places like India. This incredible event is happening right here in Sarasota at the Sarasota International Chalk Festival, November 8 - 10. Our store created a flower display to showcase Sarasota’s warm hospitality and create the grand welcome these artists deserve. Join us in celebrating this unforgettable moment and get your tickets to the festival, http://chalk.LOVE @ChalkFestival #chalkFestival #sarasotachalkfestival #floraliainfiorata”
To sign up for the Floral Storefront Contest, visit [https://tinyurl.com/SRQstorefront](https://tinyurl.com/SRQstorefront).
Come hear more about the Flower Storefront Contest, Flower Art Maestros, or how to get involved at the “Flower Power Patron Party” September 20th from 6 PM - 10 PM at Unwind Wellness Center, 630 S. Orange Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236. Live Music by Babble. Cocktail hour and light bites.
For more information please reach out to Suzy Pardo at INFO@CHALKFESTIVAL.ORG or call (941) 488-8877. For more information about the upcoming Chalk Festival go to [http://chalk.LOVE](http://chalk.LOVE) for tickets or details.